Greek Mythology Project

Greek Mythology Project 

Now that you are familiar with Greek mythology and its deities, heroes, monsters and other characters, you are ready to show what you know.  Working alone or with a partner, you will choose one of the following projects: 

1.    Greek Mythology Movie:  Create a digital movie reenactment of one of the myths we’ve read.  Your movie can depict the characters in a unique and creative way, but should still provide viewers with a clear and accurate depiction of the myth(s) and/or character(s). (Minimum 5 minutes) 

2.    Greek Mythology Interview:  You are a famous talk show host and have landed an exclusive interview with a Greek god or goddess or a panel of characters from Greek mythology.  What exclusive, scandalous information would your audience want to know?  What questions will you ask?  You will present your interview as a video to be shown in class.  You can film it as a TV show and may even choose to include Greek mythology inspired commercials during the breaks.  (Minimum 8 minutes). 

3.    Greek Mythology Inspired Newspaper/Tabloid/Celebrity Magazine:  Create a newspaper that the ancient Greeks and their gods would have read.  You will need to include all of the popular parts of a newspaper (world news, local news, sports, comics, advice, real estate, etc.) or of a tabloid or magazine (interviews, gossip, fashion, ads, etc.).  Your magazine can be created using the computer, but must include original photos or drawings and must be bound.  

Your projects are due in class on Wednesday, May 4th.  No late work will be accepted!